Pages: 109-122
Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022
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Influence of Chelated Plant Nutition on Yield, Nutrient Concentration and Uptake of Bt-Cotton under Vertisols
Author: P. H. Gourkhed, V. D. Patil, S. H. Narle
Category: Agricultural Engineering
The field experiments were conducted on experimental farm of Department of soil science and Agricultural Chemistry Vasantrao Naik Marathawada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, during 2009-10 and 2010-11 entitled “Influence of chelated plant nutrition on yield, nutrient concentration and uptake of Bt cotton under Vertisols”. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with sixteen treatments replicated two times. The data on yield, nutrient content and nutrient uptake of Bt cotton as influenced by treatment combinations were determined periodically at 20 days interval and after harvest of crop. Amongst the foliar sprays treatment, Zn gluconate spray twice gave the best results. The relatively higher nutrient concentration (N, P, K, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu) of macro and micronutrients was observed in treatment T2 (Zn gluconate) at 40 to 80 DAS growth stages. The numerical data also revealed that from 100 DAS to at harvest the concentration of all nutrients started declining as crop progressed towards, its physiological maturity. The macro and micronutrient concentrations in plant at various growth stages found to be improved due to foliar spraying over control.
Keywords: Yield, quality, plant nutrition, EDTA, gluconate, cotton, nutrients content and uptake etc.
DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47121