Trend Analysis of Annual Rainfall and Rainy Days Over Pune District of Maharashtra
Author: S. K. Upadhye, V. A. Sthool , P. S. Munde, J. D. Jadhav and S. V. Bagade
Category: Agricultural Engineering
Rainfall analysis would enhance the management and effective utilization of water resources. Analysis of trend is useful to examine the long term trends in rainfall and rainy days over. The present study has been undertaken in fourteen Tehsils of the Pune district to study rainfall and rainy days trend using Mann-Kendall Test and Sen’s Slope method and GIS based maps are prepared. The annual rainfall trend over the most of tehsils has been increased with increasing rainy days while, rainfall trend in Ambegaon, Baramati tehsils decreased with increasing rainy days and in Junnar and Purandar tehsils it was decreased with decreasing rainy days. Spatial variation in trends of annual rainfall showed in a map prepared in the GIS environment.