Land Use and Land Capability Mapping for Resource Planning of Godawari-Purna Sub-basin Using RS & GIS
Author: M. S. Pendke and D. P. Waskar
Category: Agricultural Engineering
The Godawari-Purna sub basin is located between 76°36' to 77059' E and 19°07' to 19°17' N with an area of 34413.87 ha falls in assured rainfall region. Majority of the area under basin is used for agricultural purpose. The basin boundary is updated using the updated drainage and terrain information from high resolution satellite data of LISS-IV using GIS tool. Based on the derived thematic maps of land use and land capability class, the GP sub basin is divided into 11 sub catchments. Thematic maps viz., land use cover, has been interpreted using the visual interpretation techniques by heads-on digitization in the GIS environment using the enhanced high-resolution satellite imagery. Slope map has been generated from CartoDEM using the surface tools of the spatial analyst toolbox in ArcGIS. Land use mapping indicated that 85.68 per cent land is under cultivation with cropped area indicating a good vegetative cover in basin area. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) indicated that majority of the area of basin is having a slope in the range of 0 to 3 per cent. Majority of the area was found to be under class III and class IV category. All the generated thematic maps of Godawari-Purna sub basin will be useful for land resources planning.
Keywords: Land use, Land Capability, Remote Sensing, Sub-basin