Pages: 136-141DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47202
Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022
Agro Advisories a Boon for Crop Planning on Real Weather Basis in Scaracity Zone of Maharashtra
Author: V. M. Amrutsagar, V. M. Jadhav, V. M. Londhe, J. D. Jadhav and D. V. Indi
Category: Agricultural Engineering
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More than 70% of farms in Scarcity Zone of Maharashtra are small and marginal and are thus vulnerable to climate variability. Some factors, such as increased temperatures and longer droughts periods, are likely to depress production. Managing climate risks is a major challenge of today and for the future. To extend the period of forecast for 3-7 days i.e., medium range weather forecast for the benefit of farming, community the India Meteorological Department has been issuing district level medium range forecast to the 127 agrometeorological field units in the country. Under this project apart from weather forecasts, agro-advisories based on weather are also being issued for the benefit of farming community by the AMFU’s. Advisories are farmers bulletin, which take into account the prevailing weather, soil and crop condition, weather forecasts and, suggest measures to minimize the losses (crop or livestock) and effective utilization of inputs (irrigation, fertilizers pesticides etc.,) and also suggest contingent crop planning.The following points are to be kept in mind for preparing effective agro-advisory bulletins:Identification of weather sensitive field operations, Accurate weather forecast taking into cognizance local weather. Real time information on crops (major crops, varieties, sowing time, phonological stage, status of pests and diseases etc.). Reliable source of information .Crop weather calendars, easily understandable language.The feedback is collected from the contact progressive farmers, on usefulness of the advisories as well as suggestions for its improvements. Systemtic study conducted by this unit on economic impact of the project in six villages in Solapur District revealed that there is a benefit of 12- 23% due to adoption of agromet advisories. The contingency plans are needed if following conditions prevail :Failure of south-West Monsoon, Delayed onset or early withdrawal of monsoon, Deficit or erratic rainfall, Damage to crops due to cyclones floods etc. Crop loss due to droughts, Insufficient supply of irrigation water or late release of canal water, Long dry spells, Heat or cold waves, Severe pest or disease outbreaks due to favorable weather conditions.Medium range weather forecast is useful in issuing location specific weather based Agro-advisors to tailor the agricultural operations. By closely monitoring seasonal conditions and using medium range weather forecast an effective contingency cropping strategy is possible. Timely dissemination of these advisories/ contingency crop plans/measures will help the farmers to maximize the yield by optimum use of inputs and enhance the economic returns of the farmers.
Keywords: Crop planning, advisories