Pages: 171-173DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47209
Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022
Relationship of Different Pesticide Treatments on Rose Yield and Vase Life, under Polyhouse Condition
Author: A. P. Deshmukh, S. B. Kharbade, V. A. Sthool , S. V. Bagade, J. D. Jadav, S. V. Jadav
Category: Agricultural Engineering
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A field experiment was conducted at Hi-Tech Floriculture and Vegetable Project, College of Agriculture, Pune during 2013 to study the Effect of Different Pesticide Treatments On Rose,Vase life and number of flowers per plant under polyhouse condition.The overall results revealed that the treatments with Spinosad and Clothianidin were observed to be most effective against thrips by recording the lowest mean population of 2.20 and 2.68 thrips/three leaves, respectively and were on par with each other. The maximum vase life of flower 13.66 days was observed with pesticide treatment Spinosad 45% SC @ 0.3ml l -1 (T2). The number of flowers plant-1 differs significantly due to different pesticide treatments. The treatment with Spinosad 45% SC @ 0.3ml l -1 (T2) recorded highest no. of flowers (8.6) which was on par with Clothianidin (8.0).This was followed by the treatments The increasing trend was observed with decrease in mites, thrips incidence in different pesticide treatments T4, T5, T3, T6, T1, T7, T9, T10 and T8 as regards to the number of flowers plant-1.
Keywords: Spinosad, Thrips (Scirtothripsdorsalis), Rose, Vase life.