Journal of Agriculture Research and Technology


Pages: 39-42DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47108

Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022

Relationship among Traits using Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

Author: B. B. Mali , P. B. Wadikar, A. S. Gorte and U. V. Yadav

Category: Agricultural Engineering

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In order to study the genetic variation and relationships among traits, an experiment was carried out on 40 genotypes of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) at the Experimental Farm of College of Agriculture, Latur. The experimental designed was complete randomized block design with 2 replications in the Rabi 2020-2021. Analysis of Variance for ten quantitative characters indicated significant differences for all the traits it confirms presence of wide genetic variability in the experimental materials. The phenotypic and genotypic correlation among the traits and their path analysis were calculated. The characters revealed that, plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of effective capitulum plant-1, number of seed capitulum-1 and test weight is the characters which showed strong positive significant correlation with seed yield. This characters showed significant and positive correlation with seed yield. Hence, these traits could be considered as important traits for improving seed yield in safflower. The character number of branches plant-1, plant height, number of effective capsules plant-1, number of seed capitulum-1 and test weight showed that, higher direct positive effects and indirect effects via other components traits. The character number of seeds capitulum-1 exerted the highest direct positive effect on seed yield plant-1 followed by and number of branches plant-1 and number of capsule plant-1. Hence, importance must be given to these characters because they are directly proportional to seed yield. Negative direct effects were exhibited for the characters like days to maturity and oil content.

Keywords: : Correlation, Path analysis and Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).