Pages: 88-95DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47117
Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022
Gentetic Studies for Heterosis for Grain Yield and Yield Components Using Diverse Male Sterile Lines in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
Author: B. K. Athoni, B. D. Biradar, S. S. Patil, P. V. Patil and A. K. Guggari
Category: Agricultural Engineering
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The line x tester analysis involving ninety hybrids, thirty three parents (three lines and thirty testers) and three checks including national check GHB558, commercial checks Kaveri super boss and 86 M 38 were used to assess the magnitude of heterosis with respect to grain and dry fodder yield and its component traits in pearl millet under rainfed conditions during kharif, 2019 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Vijayapur. Twentysix hybrids exhibited significant positive standard heterosis over check GHB 558, twelve hybrids over check Kaveri super boss and three hybrids over best check 86 M 38 for grain yield per hectare. Whereas, thirteen hybrids over GHB558, none of hybrids over Kaveri super boss and 86 M 38 exhibited significant positive standard heterosis for dry fodder yield per hectare. Two hybrids viz., ICMA 94555 x IP 17465 and ICMA 94555 x IP 14522were superior for both grain and dry fodder yield.
Keywords: Line x tester, restorers, heterosis