Pages: 373-378DOI: 10.56228/JART.2022.47318
Date of Publication: 31-Dec-2022
Herbage Yield and Quality of Ryegrass (Lolium Multiflorum Lam) as Influenced by Nitrogen and Phosphorus Management
Author: Satpal, Y. Jindal, Sarita Devi, J. Tokas, K. K. Bhardwaj and Bishan Singh
Category: Agricultural Engineering
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A field experiment was carried out at Forage Section Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana), India during Rabi (winter) season to study the effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus levels on annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). Among different N levels, significantly highest green fodder yield (GFY) was recorded at N3 (80 kg N ha-1 at sowing + 20 kg N ha-1 at three weeks after sowing + 40 kg ha-1 N after each cut). The total green fodder and dry matter yield recorded with 220 kg N ha-1 were 28.10, 10.40 and 35.51, 8.80 per cent higher over 120 and 170 kg N ha-1 respectively. Highest in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) content (62.34%) was estimated with 220 kg N ha-1 which was on a par with 170 kg N ha-1. However, maximum digestible dry matter yield (35.91 q ha-1) was estimated with 220 kg N ha-1 which was significantly higher over the lower nitrogen levels. Among different phosphorus levels, highest GFY was recorded at P3 (50 kg P2O5 ha-1) which was on a par with P2 (40 kg P2O5 ha-1). The green fodder and dry matter yield recorded with 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 were 3.78, 22.79 and 4.72, 35.51 per cent higher over 40 and 30 kg P2O5 ha-1 respectively. Crude protein content and IVDMD content were not affected significantly. However, maximum crude protein yield (5.63 q ha-1) digestible dry matter yield (34.90 q ha-1) were estimated with 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 which were on a par with 40 kg P2O5 ha-1. To realize the higher forage yield and better nutritive value of ryegrass, application 220 kg N (80 kg N ha-1 as basal + 20 kg N ha-1 as topdressing at 3 WAS + 40 kg ha-1 N just after each cut) and 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 is recommended for soils low in available nitrogen and medium in phosphorus.
Keywords: Fodder yield, nitrogen management, phosphorus levels and ryegrass